Welcome to the SML Christian Academy PAC and Bite to Eat Hot Lunch web site.
**Everyone is required to register a new account at the beginning of the year**
Access Code "SMLHL" to get started
Here's how to get started...
You will be required to register and provide your name, phone number and email address. This site has an SSL Certificate to provide full security of your personal information, and only the information required to manage the lunch program is required. The site administrator cannot access your password and you select your own user id.
To register, click on the “REGISTER” tab on the main menu bar. This will take you to the registration form to create an account for your family. Each family will have one account and each student will be linked to this account. Once you have created your account you can login and edit your contact information and add additional email addresses to your account.
To register, provide the information required to complete your registration. Once you have registered, you can immediately LOG IN.
FORGOT YOUR USERNAME OR PASSWORD? Click the "Forgot Password" Menu tab in the upper right above the Login box.
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